which bang for the buck DAC?


I would love suggestion for a DAC with performance per dollar in mind. It will be used with a Sony S350 (bluray player) as a transport and also with a computer as the other transport. This way I can downsize my standalone cd player. The DAC will feed into a Krell 400xi via XLR. This way I will have a music server and the ability to play cds as well.

I would love to stay under 1000. I am looking at the DACMagic and the PS Audio Dlink iii, and I am a bit skeptical of both. Are they good or just hype? Are there better choices? Would love to hear other suggestions. I am looking for that DAC which delivers performance per dollar. Hopefully it exist.

Thanks in advance
PS Audio Linc dac 111 now at 650 here would be a front-runner for several reasons.The second reason is resale,the first reason is sounds good.Keep the love and music coming.Its all we ever had,good luck,Bob
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Your comments are great! Ps Audio diii is selling at 695 brand new now so this is interesting. Dacmagic is at 395. Is the ps audio diii 300 better than the dacmagic? There seems to be a big follwing with the Bencmark, but an used bechmark usb would set me back 1000 bucks. Tough decision.
Two more DACs to compare to the PS Audio: Channel Islands VDA-2 with upgraded, outboard power supply (~$800 @ CIAudio.com) and a new DAC, just out, from Music Hall available at Music Direct for $595: http://www.musicdirect.com/product/84663
The Music Hall has a USB input and a tube output stage. IIRC, all three of these DACs can be purchased with a 30-day return option, so you risk only the shipping fees.

And don't neglect the digital cable! Much has been said here on the importance of a respectable digital cable to connect your CD drive or PC to your DAC. No need to break the bank, but since you budgeted $1K, and these DACs run under $800, you can afford decent digital and USB cables.

Let us know how you make out!
I also have the Krell 400xi and went with the Benchmark using XLR to the amp and usb to the PC. The sound is very good and the connection to the PC works exactly as billed (so easy my wife uses it and never a dropout since added). A recent review in HiFi Choice compared multiple dacs (from Bryston to Cambridge). Cambridge was the best value for money. I bought about a year ago and there were fewer options but would have seriously considered the Cambridge if it were available.