Is a Krell Standard upgraded to MKIII reliable

I'm fully aware of the problems that plagued the MKI and MKII.I'm not aware of the record of the MKIII but would a MKII that was upgraded to a MKIII be a reliable choice? They sure sound good.
Montejay - I've had my MKIII since last October - so it is well broken-in by now. It was a MKII Unit upgraded to MKIII specs. The Krell Evolution Players also use this Transport, they've been out for a couple of years now and have also proven to be very reliable.
Thanks Tusa
As you already aware,I'm a little scared regarding the reliability but love the way it sounds. How does the MKIII compare sonically to the II? It is supposed to be better, any thoughts?
Stereophile magazine gave the MKI model an A+ rating, the MKII & MKIII models have also received excellent reviews - it is well known that the MKIII is the best of the Standards by a good margin. As far as Krell's Customer Support/Service is concerned, as a long-time Customer, it has been among the best that I have experience.