Musical fidelity A5.5 Vs Arcam CD 37


I am thinking of moving to a dedicated CD player, I am using now a Denon 3930 for DVD, CD, SACD, …
Regardless the features of these 2 players, how do you describe the sound differences between them? And what can I get more than I have now with Denon?
I don’t have the possibility to listen the MF only the Arcam so your opinions will be very helpful.

I never try both of model above but owned arcam player,I can tell that arcam delivered good detail and huge soundstage on my set opinion for best result is try both unit which one is better for ur taste
I've just got a great deal on the MF 5.5 and what can I say - straight out of the box - great player - huge soundstage with immaculate warmth and detail. Also - built like a tank. Never heard the Arcam though.
I purchased the CD37 about 2 months ago and all I can say is WOW!. I am re-discovering every CD that I have hearing details that I have never heard. Red Book CD's sound awesome, but SACD is absolutely incredible. I replaced a Sony XA-777ES with the Arcam. No comparison!

The rest of my system includes Thiel CS7 speakers, Musical Fidelity M-250 monoblocks, Arcam AV8 Pre-Pro and AntiCables.