music hall 25.2 DAC mod

I have the new music hall 25.2 Dac but was reading about the Affordable Audio mod for the unit. Anybody try the mod out and if so what are your thoughts?
I owned a Music Hall CD25.2 that was modded by PartsConneXion. The player was outstanding.

I would research what Parts ConneXion might be doing with the 25.2 DAC.
I just got it. I had also tried the Cambridge DacMagic. I like the Music Hall better. It just is better with tube systems. The DacMagic was very nice but was not as smooth as the Music Hall.

I will let it break in before I decide to do any mods. Might try tube rolling.
I have had the DAC for a about a week, using it with a squeezebox duet and my pioneer elite 05 dvd/cd player as a transport (thinking of getting something better as transport but not sure if that will be any better than pioneer). I have a new Cary 120s tube amp and using a calypso preamp from my dealer until my lector tube preamp comes in. I wrote Music Hall about break in time and Roy Hall wrote back telling me it takes a couple of days but recommended an EAT tube damper that makes a nice improvement. I put that on but never listened to the unit without it so cant compare. Plus I read an internet posting from somebody that compared a bunch of tube dampers and thought the EAT damper sucks. However, it may be tube/unit specific for the kind of improvement you hear. So far, (i am still on the first 50 hrs of amp break in) i think the music hall sounds very good, but not as good as my vinyl on a rega p3/24. That was why i was wondering about the mod. Affordable audio says i can come in an do an A/B comparison since i live in LA area. i want to slowly tweak the system but hate wasting money on stuff that makes imaginary improvements (i have not bought any high end IC or speaker cables yet).
Have a MH 25.2 modded by Dan Wright at Modwright.
Tube output, audioclock 4, caps, etc.
Not much out there that sounds much better.
Have the PS Audio Dac3 which is much easier on the ears than the Benchmark. Would assume the the Dacmagic is also a bit dry being from England.
Magnumpi205, thanks for the comments. I too had the Benchmark and didn't like it either. Kinda sounded like a computer, very fatiguing and bright in my system. I also tried the DacMagic and it was very lightweight and dull sounding...again "in my system".

I think I might try the PS Audio and see how I like it.