Cambridge Audio 840C

Has anyone compared this cd player to the Bryston BCD-1 or perhaps the PrimaLuna Prologue 8?
The 840C is a great player for the money. The Bryston is fairly neutral if that is your thing. But if you can afford it, I would get the PrimaLuna with the $85 board upgrade - in another class in terms of performance and you can role the tubes to suite your personal tastes.
Knownothing, I read there is an issue with the impedance of the Primaluna 8 which can cause a lack of bass depending on the impedance of the preamp connected to it. Does the board resolve the impedance issue?
06-09-09: Foster_9
Knownothing, I read there is an issue with the impedance of the Primaluna 8 which can cause a lack of bass depending on the impedance of the preamp connected to i
If it matters, a Burson Buffer will correct impedance mismatch.

Was not aware of impedance matching being the source of problems with the lower bass reproduction with that player. But I just read the preamble for the Stereophile review posted on the PrimaLuna website - yes, looks like they acknowledge that there is a problem with very low input impedance preamps.

In any case. John Atkinson noted in a subsequent discussion in the magazine that the upgraded OP amp boards did improve the upper bass noticeably and with the board installed in his words "the PrimaLuna becomes a straight Class A recommendation." He also noted in his first look at it that "it threw the widest, deepest soundstage from CDs that I have experienced with any player". Hmmmm, strong statement.

I should provide clarity on the cost of the board upgrades: The Super I/V OP Amp kit "Basic" is $150, the Super I/V OP Amp kit "Plus" is $235, or a difference of $85 between the two. If you are investing that much for a player, I would pay the roughly 10% extra and get the "Plus" upgraded board.