On evaluating speakers?

After reading an article in a stereo magazine on the digital recorder by Korg, I thought that it could be used as an excellent tool to audition speakers. Since it is portable and as per the article has excellent reproduction capabilities, why not use it as a familiar source in different showrooms. Any ideas?
it won't 'control' the room, which is still the 'eye of the storm' aside from the basic character of the brand itself.
Pedrillo, I understand your points, but it still would be easier to take an SACD disc to the dealer. However, if you think it's worthwhile to spend $1,200 on the recorder and are willing to take the time to do your own recordings, then let us know how it turns out. On paper, the Korg is an amazing piece of machinery.
I've got the Korg. It's an incredible consumer-level recorder, with 130dB of dynamic range. I've recorded my own D2D recordings with it and can't tell the Korg from the vinyl. In fact, thanks to the lack of sensitivity to feedback, you can play the Korg way, way louder with no concern.

I've compared interconnects easily with the Korg. It'd also be a valid way to compare turntables and cartridges and other front end equipment. However, for comparing speakers it'll be useless, because even the very best mic technique cannot easily be replicated for two different speaker systems.

There is a problem with the Korg. The input and output stages are low quality and add noise. When there's program material the noise level is low enough that it's not a problem. I'm waiting to archive my D2D collection until after I have the input and output stages modded by Ric Schultz and some shielding added. But for this weakness, it's an amazing unit.

I thought that vinyl is still better than SACD, wouldn't the Korg be a better source if I record vinyl onto it?
Glad to hear you are enjoying it!
Can you elaborate on what you meant when you said a valid way of comparing tt and cartridges?
On evaluating speakers I beg to differ, if you have a record that you like very much on your spectacular turntable, why wouldn't it make a good source to use in comparing speakers? There are so many pressings from 50's and 60's that sound far better than recent cd releases. Put that on your Korg and you have an excellent gauge.