has anyone tried PS Audio perfect wave duo

any experience/thoughts on new PS audio perfect wave transport and dac
Does the dac sound better single-ended or balanced?

I'm still waiting for my PWD to arrive. During the audition, it was connected via a balanced interface, but I'm not sure there would much of a difference between really great single-ended ICs vs balanced ICs. I'll use balanced just because it's available and I have some good balanced cables on hand.

One thing to consider is the fact that balanced gives you a 6db gain so if you plan to use the PWD as a preamp that may give you a little extra headroom on the volume.
I will receiving this new exciting product in a few weeks. My dealer says I in for a real treat.
He states that the sonic presentation is truly non-digital sounding and extremely enjoyable that most people can live with the PW duo until the end of time.
I am hoping owners may share their opinions about the sound performance and some tips using this new PW.

Thank you,
i'm considering the PWT/PWD too. just gave them a short demo at a local audio shop. sounded really nice but then everything i hear in a demo room sounds really nice. have heard alot of positive comments(mostly from folks selling the product) but would like to hear more from owners who have some extended "real world" use with the pair.

look forward to hearing and reading more.
Best demo I've heard of the PWD: a decent CD player and the PW duo connected to the same pre/amp/speaker setup with two copies of the same album. We did some A/B listening flipping between the two and got a real sense of the differences. Much smoother and a bit better stage I recalled. But most importantly, it was the least "digital" sounding digital device I think I've ever heard - and that is what sold me. Seems there is something to the new filters.

My PWD just arrived at the dealer today (just got the call). I think I'll take my source in (Cullen modded Sonos & DL3 with Cullen level 3 mod) and do some listening since I'm swapping out my DAC as part of the deal. We'll see if they let me do it.