Good "warm" CD player for $500

I’m looking to get a new or used CDP for around 500 bucks. I have what I would consider a "bright" system (PS Audio HCA-2, PS Audio PCA-2, Dali Ikon 7 speakers, Anti-Cables and Blue Jeans interconnects) in a "bright" room (wood floors, big windows, lots of glass etc) and need a warm sounding CDP.

All suggestions, recommendations and offers are welcomed! I’m currently running an Oppo 980H thru a Digital Link III Dac and although it sounds good it’s a little too harsh, brittle, and forward for my ears.
A cd player will not be the cure for your problems. Since you already have a dac, insert a digital eq/processor in the chain. You can also get a modded Behringer DEQ in your price range which can replace the digital link III. This Ikons are bright speakers, have you considered replacing those first?
You'll spend less $$ and reap greater rewards if you are able to treat your room. A cd player isn't going to do what you want if it's brightness you're looking to tame. I would venture to guess that the 'minimalist' setting you have also has a good deal of slap echo and unwanted reverberation. You absolutely have to deal with that.

Outside of that, if your speakers can handle tubes I would try a tubed amp, or maybe a tubed preamp. Either will give you more 'warmth' then a cdp. The Sony Playstation suggestion is also good. The reviews are true about that one, and you can't beat the price if you can live with using a game controller as a remote (though you can pick up a wireless one).
I'll second the Rega suggestion- you can find some of their older models in that price range