Best Cd Player under $4000?

My system is the following:Cambridge Azur 840C cd player, Pathos Classic One MKIII,Focal Chorus 826V speakers,Running Spring Audio(Haley) line conditioner,Cardas Golden Reference AC cords and Kubala Sosna Emotion balanced inter. and speaker cables.My system sounds a little bit on the lean side and could have a better soundstage.
I mostly listen to instrumental jazz and acoustic music (piano,guitar),trios/quartets.I'm in the process of upgrading my cd player.

Esoteric SA-10,Bryston BCD-1,AMR CD777,any other ?
I've heard that player and I don't think it is your problem as described.
listen, listen, listen. audition as many players as you can. if you rely upon the sentiments of audiogon members, you will be at risk for disappointment.

if you can't listen, preferably in your own stereo system, your choice will yield unpredictable results.
If you can get an AMR CD-77 for $4k, my advice is to jump on it. It's one of the best digital sources available, and it's certainly not a player with a lean tonal balance. Whether it will fix the problems you are perceiving with tonal balance, I don't know, as I don't know the character of your Cambridge CDP.
I don't envy you. Been there before. Like the others said audition.Try at least a couple other players in your system to hear if that ameliorates the leanness problem. If it does then the problem is your current cdp. If not, then your problem is elsewhere.