Best Cd Player under $4000?

My system is the following:Cambridge Azur 840C cd player, Pathos Classic One MKIII,Focal Chorus 826V speakers,Running Spring Audio(Haley) line conditioner,Cardas Golden Reference AC cords and Kubala Sosna Emotion balanced inter. and speaker cables.My system sounds a little bit on the lean side and could have a better soundstage.
I mostly listen to instrumental jazz and acoustic music (piano,guitar),trios/quartets.I'm in the process of upgrading my cd player.

Esoteric SA-10,Bryston BCD-1,AMR CD777,any other ?
The Cambridge Audio 840c CD player is very sensitive to cables. With the right cables and a matching (pre)amplifier, the 840c is not thin sounding. Meridian G 08.2 CD Player is a good upgrade if you really want to upgrade the CD player. Based on various reviews, the Focal Chorus 800 series speakers usually sound a bit thin. I would recommend the following:

(1) Upgrade interconnects and speaker cables
(2) Try tube rolling
(3) Upgrade the speakers
I second the Meridian G08. To me it is a very organic sounding player which minimizes some of the digital nasties without loosing the detail.
I was owner of Bryston BCD-1, a beautifull machine, clear and fast. But i listen the Primare CD31 and Meridian g08 ... now im owner of a Meridian G08. see in this pages and you can find some used units
I took Jaybo to mean speaker placement, not REplacement, the implication being that this would result in more audible differences than many CDP upgrades you might consider. This might say a lot about both speaker placement and CDPs. John
yes...move those speakers around in your room. some are a bit more critical about placement then others, and it can make a big difference. its a classy speaker, and should have great midrange and weight, even with a walkman.