digital front end to rival best vinyl?

i am interested in adding a 2 channel digital front end but no cd's. looking for storage/source, clock,dac and what ever else required, that can compete or better vinyl. is this possible? am i to early? i am a novice when it comes to digital front ends and am trying to learn as much as possible. all knowledgeable info will be greatly apriciated. i did hear a system at goodwins highend that sounded great but seemed to have very limited softwear. thanks
digital front end to rival best vinyl?
Koegz (System | Answers)

Based on your background with vinyl, I'm going to say the answer as it relates specifically to you is no.

However, if you alter your expectations, you may find a hard drive based digital front end very enjoyable for other reasons.
I do not know about Analog v.s Digital or endless variations in obtaining desired levels of performance ....... it is all very subjective.
On the other hand there are those reporting great results with Squeezebox Transporter (Modwright modified) and other computer based systems.
I can only comment on what works for me:

MacBook Air to Empirical Audio Offramp Turbo and feeding RWA Isabellina HPA DAC. DAC is used as a digital preamp as it features variable analog out and it has remote volume control. RWA also offers the option to power components like EA, Wadia iTransporter, various chip amps via optional power out (will share its battery power supply with one other component) on Isabellina DAC. This will ( has potential) have entire system of the grid. ITunes are controlled with help of iPod iTouch and free remote application from Apple.

I wouldn't go as far as comparing two formats or vote in either favor (although I have my favorites) but it is somewhat possible to enjoy computer setup without regrets.
Both gentlemen posting before me make excellent points. I would have answered in the same vein. It is a pity that Empirical Audio does not market the "Spoiler with Pacecar" any more. That would have been an excellent choice for your quest. However I feel it is worth while to follow though along Mrjstark's suggestions and do some research on the Empirical Audio website or get in touch with Steve Nugent directly. He is very helpful.
Happy hunting,