DCS reading problem

I recently aquired a DCS Elgar plus and La Scala. My La Scala seems to have problem reading disc. After many trails and erros, I realise that it could only ready SACD Dics amd had problem reading CDs. Can anyone pls tell me if this is the problem with my player or with my connection?

Thanks in advance.

Hi KC,

The dCS transports are a bit cranky in that they take their sweet time to do things and don't like to be interrupted in the middle of the process. If you do interrupt them, they get sulky and refuse to obey commands until they are rebooted.

I have a Verdi Encore (the later version of the La Scala), so my information may not be accurate for your machine.

When I load a CD I get the TOC message, then an ascending count through the tracks in groups of 5, then a STOPPED message, then the process halts displaying the number of tracks on the CD. Only when all of that is completed can I press Play.

Do a cold start on both the transport and the DAC. Then put in a CD and leave it alone (at least 2 - 5 minutes) until you are sure it has completed everything it wants to do.

Then press Play.

If it doesn't start, post all the messages that were displayed here. If we are lucky a La Scala owner will join in and advise what's normal and what isn't.
Tried all type of connection, waited for more than 10 minutes, nothing happen on the CD portion.

Hi KC,

It doesn't sound encouraging. I have one idea left - are you testing it with a commercial CD or a burnt CD?

I don't know specifically that the Verdi won't play burnt CDs but I would never use one while diagnosing a reading problem. By using a variety of commercial CDs you can remove at least one unknown variable.

Other than that it looks likely to me that your machine may be faulty. Does anyone else have any ideas?
hi Gtfour45

I only use commercial CD> I also suspect that the player is faulty and are communicating with the agent to have it repaired.

Thanks again.