Sub $500 CDP

I'm one of these people, who economically have to watch their budget (big time), as I don't make the same money as I used to. In the recent months I've had to sale both my NAD C542 and my Jolida JD-100 (that one "broke my heart"). Anyway, I'm left with a 90's era Onkyo DX-C540 changer which is "alright" (btw, for those you who might be wanting to recommend a DAC, do realize the only digital output on that player is an "opitical" one). But nevertheless, I want something better, something that will get me somewhere close to what I was getting with my NAD C542 and Jolida JD-100. Now the thing is, this will probably be my last CDP purchase, so I'm not really interested in buying used. So what's new out there, that's worth a listen (and maybe a purchase) in the sub $500 catagory? I'm not an audiophile, but someone who enjoys hearing music that sounds well. I guess what I'm asking for is a player, that you might recommend to your non-audiophile friends, that wanted a good sounding player.
Theres a Cabmridge Audio 640 on here for $349.00, new in the box from Spearitsound,an authorized internet dealer. That may be worth looking into.
Since the transport is the most likely candidate to fail, maybe buy something cheap but decent like the Oppo 980H for $170 new and buy a very good used DAC for around $250 - $300. Add something like an Apogee Wyde Eye digital cable and you're good to go, and the added bonus is you'll be able to play DVD-A and SACD through the Oppo as well if you have or want to try any of those. Just another way to go...

Best of luck.
Like to hear folks' thoughts on a PS2 player (cd/dvd) or a PS3 (BR/CD/DVD) with respect to this thread. THe PS2 is $100 and is reputed to be a good player and people rave about the PS3 (at $299) as a BR player. Is the music performance below standard?