DCS Scarlatti

Hi Folks:

Yesterday I listened to the complete DCS Scarlatti including a brand new outboard D to D converter. Nothing compares. DCS has always been the finest digital that I have ever heard and I am wondering if someone could compare the sound of the prior stack with the Scarlatti.

Happy Holidays.

CT Audio Society
Budt, very good decision, I believe!
Scarlatti is too expensive. I bought because had a chance to get used with great discount and because of SACD support.
Actually I changed Emm for Scarlatti and going to keep Berkeley because for high resolution files I prefer Berkeley.
Bryan, I totally agree with Clavil.
dCS is on warm side!
I even feel at the beginning too warm and sweet!
And at the same time very high resolution.
So, it is much warmer than Emm and much higher resolution.
This combination is unexpectable!
thanks Murataltuev for the assurance of warmness of Scarlatti, I may need to audition again in the dealer's shop. Nonetheless, I recall last time what I heard was consistent with your comment, just I'm not sure myself.

Yes, Clavil, SACD is a must for our classical music lover. But it also limit our choice of player very much.

how does it compare with the pucinni? You are still getting dcs quality but at a lower price point. I like the emm dac2 for high res files. Sounds tremendous!!