Ayon Audio CD-5 versus CD-5s

What are the essential differences between the CD-5 and CD-5s? Has anyone heard one of the 5s units as yet?

Does Ayon have any plans to bring out a reference player like the CD-5/5s with built-in pre-amp that does SACD (2-channel) as well as Redbook CD?

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I did encounter a limitation of the pre stage on the Ayon though. It does need to be matched with a high input impedance power amp. My JM Labs Focal Solo 6 Be doesn't quite have such a high input impedance.
Hi DH, that's interesting. I have found my Ayon set to low gain & the 1060 to be a good impedance match. I doubt there is much you could throw at a Boulder which it couldn't handle ;)
Please remember personally The Skylla dac with the Bryston player
Is the ticket and $2 k less than the dac 5 and using the Bryston
Player beats the cd-5 without any doubt it brings digital
To the 21 st century and on another level. Also there is several gain
Positions to match gain of other preamps ,or direct into a amp
Which is the way to go and betters most preamps out there
This is a spectacular buy and I stand by my statement that this unit betters the Wiess in realism and musicality, the Berkeley 2 places 3rd .
This was done with 6 listeners 4 out of6 , but your values may differ
Find a dealer who will let you listen . The Ayon cd5 was used As the dac.
In reality the Skylla2 dac is potentially a bit better for of the 3 R core
Transformers in the dac it does not need to power the transport section.
Audioman, well done. Yes I agree, if you have the space for a separate transport and dac, i'd agree that approach should sound better. I don't know how a CD-5s would compare (as transport) to your Bryston, but there is no doubt the Skylla 2 dac (on which the CD-5s is based) is awesome! As an integrated player, it is no exageration to describe the CD-5s as over-built and one heck of a player at or even near it's price point.