Benefit of a DAC for a good red book cd player

I've a Rega Apollo CD player and I like it a lot.

Would adding a DAC be of any sonic benefit. Several people I trust and respect state that any changes would be sideways ones, at best.

If so, thoughts on a moderately priced DAC? (I realize "moderately" is subjective but let's say $5-600 or less.)
Thanks, guy (assume you're guys). Assuming a slightly higher price range, any other specific ideas? Tubed v solid state? Whatever I get will also be devoted to a computer based server. Wonder if there will even be quality cd players in ten years or will they be like reel to reel tape players.
I would suggest holding off a bit as commercial units are just starting to appear that use the Sabre32 DAC. This DAC, properly implemented, could be a big step up in DAC performance.

The Wyred 4 Sound DAC will be out soon. It features optional hi-res USB, which could be important for a computer based system. Eastern Electric will be offering a lower priced Sabre32 DAC, but it won't do hi-res over USB

IMO, if you want analog-ish sound, hi-res files via computer USB looks very promising.
Thanks so much. You folks are confirming what I have heard.

A related question is why so many of the higher end CD players tout up- and over-sampling.