Upgrade from DACMagic? B&W 805S rig

Here is my current system:
B&W 805S Speakers
Cambridge Audio 840a integrated amp
Cambridge Audio DACMagic dac.

Would it be worth it to upgrade from the DACmagic to take full advantage of my speakers? If so, does anyone have any DAC recommendations? I've heard the Benchmark DAC-1 is good. But is it really that much better than the DACMagic? Don't really want to spend over 1500. Right now I think my setup sounds pretty good.
Right now I think my setup sounds pretty good.

My advice - if it ain't broke don't fix it chief. Spend the money on music.
Actually the DACmagic scored higher than the Benchmark in HIFICRITICs test with CD transport, 32 to 22. The V-DAC did even better, 42. I have one and it is very good.
I have tried a million (well 8) DAC's this year, and I ended up with a Bryston BDA-1. You can get one used for about your price.