DAC to replace Sony 5400

I recently sold my Sony 5400 to finance a Mac Mini/Ipad Mini. I'm currently running a Radio Shack toslink cable between the computer and the DAC in my Behringer DEQ2496, but I would like to step up. I really liked the sound of the 5400, so I guess that is the bar I'm looking to stay above.

I have been a bit overwhelmed by the number of DACs out there, many of which are well-liked and well-reviewed. I want to keep the budget as low as is possible, although I also don't really want to settle for a "great sound, considering the price" piece (although I guess that's what I did with the Sony).

Rest of the system is a Parasound A21 amp, ARC SP-16 preamp driving Thiel 3.6s. Thanks in advance for your input. -Jon
I had the Sony SCD XA-5400ES for about a year and then sold it because I was moving. While I'm not sure anything can touch the Sony's Super Audio CD playback, I now own the Mytek Stereo 192 dac and its better with PCM/CD audio. The Mytek also plays DSD audio (SACD) which sounds incredible also. The mytek is going for about $1595 new.
Just got the Micromega MyDac and it does sound excellent. Yes,considering it's price, it's a remarkable sounding piece. Digital performance has grown by leaps and bounds in the last few years, so once you've decided on the features you want in a DAC you really have many choices and price points to choose from. Good luck.