Sony XA5400ES vs XA9000ES

Has anyone heard both of these players and if so what is the difference between them? I heard the 9000 in my buddies system and it sounds wonderful. Is the 5400 better?
I owned and sold the XA9000ES because the CD redbook sound was so awful. It had a totally flat soundstage.
The SACD was great however.
Seems Sony wanted to show off the SACD at the time and spent no effort on the CD section.
Thanks for the comment. I think I will go with XA9000ES as I would have to pay shipping and 30% tax to bring in the 5400. By that time, it would cost me more than the used XA9000ES. I will use it strictly as SACD player.
Ozzy you really think the 9000 has terrible redbook qualities? I am shocked anyone thinks that. My friend has one and I like it and of course he does too. Best CD player he has owned and he has owned quite a few.
I never heard the xa9000es but I had a Sony scd-1 and it was terrible on redbook cd compared to the Sony xa5400es. I guess if you have never heard a good cdp you might think it was good.