Sony XA5400ES vs XA9000ES

Has anyone heard both of these players and if so what is the difference between them? I heard the 9000 in my buddies system and it sounds wonderful. Is the 5400 better?
I am surprised this topic has not gained more steam. There must be many xa9000es (current and past) owners not chiming in (Stereophile A+ rating results in sales). I have always thought that Sony did a good job at staying musical even in there mid-fi line. I have not heard the xa5400es but I have read it is not built to the heavy duty standards of the older generation hi end Sonys.
The Sony Corp. was the driving force in CD development and the SACD format. Why would they not continue to lead in this form of music reproduction?
I totally agree. Exactly what a buddy of mine said, the 5400 is not built anything like the 9000. I was hoping someone has actually compared them side by side or at least where both of them were in compatible systems. I know Ozzy didnt care for it but I question what amp and preamp or speakers he has because I was talking to a friend of mine who is a dealer and told him of this thread. He said evidently its system matching because the 9000 is Stereophile A+ and he can't imagine it sounding bad. I am not bashing the 5400 at all but I think one reason its so popular is the price. Hell its half of the 9000 new. I just dont see Sony making the 5400 that much better on redbook than the 9000 at half the price. I am saying this without hearing the 5400 obviously so hopefully more will chime in :)
Samzx12, You can look up my system. It is posted below next to my name ozzy.

I stand by my opinion that the 9000 redbook quality is sub par to others in that price range.
That is not to mean it doesnt have the sound and frequency extremes, but it has absolutly NO depth in its soundstage.
The 5400 is lighter and cheaper than the 9000 but neither factor means that it must be of lower "build quality." OTOH, it does sound better.

Nice system Ozzy.

I am borrowing a friends 9000ES this week so I will compare it to my Muse Signature Gen3 which is a very good player itself.