Wadia ITransport

Just purchased Wadia IPod dock for use with my IPod Touch. I am using Canare 75ohm cable as an interface with my Cambridge 840C AZURE CD player. Reading reviews about the IDock and importing Apple Lossless files, I noticed a difference (small)but noteworthy, where the Dock seems a bit compressed and lacking the resolution and dynamics when compared to the CD. I'm not quite sure, but I thought I remembered with lossless files, the Dock could actually sound better than the CD.

Thank you, I look forward to your thoughts and comments.
All digital connections in my Home Theater system are Canare. The Canare cables these days are about $48.00 per meter and are all copper, 75Ohm coax configuration with excellent true 75Ohm connections. The cable I'm using now only slightly edged out the Canare. A well engineered and realistically priced cable. You can return the cable within 30 days if not satisfied. For just $48 I would suggest you give it a try. :)
Talked to Wadia about very slight distortion in the sound of my 170iTransport, (very slight distortion but distortion all the same). Wadia said to keep the price of the product as low as possible, they used a lower quality power supply and suggested upgrading. Wadia did not have a upgraded supply, but Music Direct has for $279 a supply specifically designed for the Dock. I'll follow-up after receipt and post to see if it made a difference. One note; I replaced the system first as it was under warranty and it made no difference, hence, the upgraded supply.
Now there is an honest company! Rather than trying to BS the customer or blaming the customer, they were straightforward. Very refreshing!

Rpg: did the noise develop/progress or has it been there from the start?. i don't hear any distortion on mine?.
The noise progressed, and my dealer replaced the unit and then the noise was gone. Additionally, if you have $279 burning in your pocket, the CIAUDIO power supply made a marked improvement in many areas of sound quality, the most remarkable of which was an incredible increase in sound stage. The top end increased in extension, sweetness and articulation, and the bottom extended as well. Again, I'm not sure I'm going to keep it as the improvements were not like a light switch was turned on, but if you want everything you can get out of your Dock, go for it!