Concerning: AMR CD-77 / EMM Labs XDS1 / PLAYBACK Designs MPS-5 Reference.

Have any of you would listen he compares and prefer one of its 3 Digital CD Player if so what is Better musically and also which is better aesthetics and manufacturing the finest components exts drive ...
Thank you let me know if the playback designs is manufactured in the USA? if so by what company manufactured it is name and email address.
Infinitely thank you to all
Thank you Mike, Anyway the Emm XDS1 is too expensive for a CD player Digital, and I will opt for the Playback Design MDS-5 well after having listen AMR CD-77.
I am also a very big fan of analog vinyl, but nothing can replace listening to analog. Thank you again to all.
Can you address the Playback Design's harmonic distortion artifacts that John Atkinson found in his measurements for the Stereophile review?
We don't care about "harmonic distortion artifacts". We just listen to music. I could give a R's A about how it measures!
Dagogo just reviewed the Playback. Yikes! Talk about faint praise.

Not that reviews matter. People need to listen with their own ears.
Crna39, Bruce, you are obviously oblivious to the implications! It means that the AMR / EMM / PLAYBACK Designs comparison is not an apples-to-apples comparison but rather an "organic apple" to a "genetically altered apple" comparison. Would you like me to explain further?