Why don't any good CD players resume play?

OK I realize this is a bit of a rant, but why don't any of the better CD players have a resume play feature? Meaning, if you stop it and turn it off, it resumes play where you stop it rather than from the beginning. My mass-marked Sony DVD player does this and I really liked it.

Anyone found a good CDP with this feature? Am I the only one who likes this feature?

.....because the demand for that function on CD player is not high or necessary, unlike DVD players where is makes sense.
Who the heck even wants to start a song half way into it, anyways? If I ever get interrupted, I'll restart a track from the beginning. If you want start at a particular track number, just go there. A "resume play" feature for redbook CD seems pointless and unnecessary, to me.
CD players and portables do this because other reasons - you shut your ca off to run into the store or get gas. People want to pick up where they left off. People have to take their headphones off to talk to other people and so on.