Is there a good 5 disc CD player out there ???

I'm looking for a good quality 5 disc CD player. Something I could find on A-gon for between $4K-$5K. Any suggestions?
Also, changers, any five disc CD changer used , is not worth more than $100. bucks... When you see one you want, if it is more than $100. skip it.. you'll find another, same model for $100. or less.... GoodWill is a GREAT source for used five disc changers.. $15 to $25 max..
(several usable machines advertised here but ALL overpriced.. Damn, MANY of them are TWENTY years old.... twenty years 365 days x twenty years four hour day use equals 29,200 hours... used, would YOU pay much for that?, of course, like phono cartridges, they never actually ever used them.???..)
Man, mine run at LEAST 18 hours a day, often two at a time... unless I am listening to vinyl..
Thanks Elizabeth, I currently have a 5 disc SONY and I'm very unhappy with the sound quality. I probably don't need to spend $4 or $5k on a 5 disc, but I'm hoping to get some ideas.
Thanks again for your input !!!
If you have a cheap Sony, then you could get a better one. I despise the Sony multi (200, 400 disc, even the ES models) players as they sound absolutely horrible even through a DAC. The really cheap ($200, $300 when new five disc Sony) also suck. Look for a Yamaha, or a better Sony, the ES series five disc only..
The Adcom DAC is good. I tried a Bryston and it was no better than my Adcom DA700 which can be had used for $200.
If you want to build for the future... start thinking about a server from your computer. it is a messy knowledge driven form, but worth the effort, and it IS the future of digital audio.(i still am stuck in my changers.. but the future is clear.)
I had a Yamaha CD-765 or something like that back in 99 that was very good for the money. Rated very high but I would Elizabeths advice.