Is there a good 5 disc CD player out there ???

I'm looking for a good quality 5 disc CD player. Something I could find on A-gon for between $4K-$5K. Any suggestions?
Also, take a look at the Marantz CC4003 and Denon DCM-390. These are still in production and the Marantz model is new.
You aren't going to find a changer for $4-5k. No changer ever made is worth that amount. Check out the Don Allen Marantz modded 5 disc changer. There's one on sale in the classifieds. Also, be so kind as to report back and let us know how it sounds if you make the purchase. I don't know the seller.
If you're thinking about a typical ("low end") 5-disc player feeding a DAC, bear in mind that the transport has an ENORMOUS influence on the sound, and you will not get the full potential out of a good DAC. I've used 5 or 6 different players/transports as transports with a Muse and then Reimyo DAC and speak from experience.
The Sony-C555ES is the best I've heard and can be had for less than $500 used ($2000.00 new?). I think it was discontinued in 05?? I don't know of any Co. making high end multi disc players. The Sony was rated class "A" by Stereophile when it came out in the early part of this century.I never tried using it as a transport...but it sounded pretty good on it's own for Christmas and party music and times you want to put 5 discs in random mode and work around the house.