Wyred DACS

They released the final specs for their DACs last week. Shipping this month. Anybody order? The DAC-1 is quite reasonable, but not upgradable to the asynch-USB, which the DAC-2 has. The DAC-2 also has the I2S but I don't know what it's gonna connect to.
When it first came out the scuttlebutt was it was scary close to the best out there at any price. My testing and comparison showed it was probably the best in its price range, with the possible exception of the Tranquility, but it was simply close to the best out there - not scary close. I am still happy, even with the balance issue and am glad I got the DAC.

Johsti... Yes, it seems all Wyred products go for a 6moons glowing review, so whatever that means. There's a good handfull of Agon members that I would rather have review it, as well as listen to it myself. Specs make for interesting reading but have very little sound.
Bill, when do you think you will be comparing to the Tranquility Dac? I would think that would be an interesting comparison.
I will be organizing getting the Tranquility about the 18th August. But since I am in Australia there are importation issues etc that could delay things. I will have it clearly marked audio gear for evaluation so hopefully it should go straight through but these things are always iffy.

No regrets... I have been using a Benchmark USB DAC with 16/44.1 files and it has been a very enjoyable piece going through an ARC LS-26 preamp.

I have since been ripping some of my vinyl to HD files, 24/96 and 24/192 so I felt that I also wanted to upgrade my DAC, but for now also keep the Benchmark. My choices came down to the Wyred DAC2, PS Audio PW, and the Bryston. The PS Audio PW was interesting only because of the bridge concept and the Wryed DAC2 being a new design could be something special.

The Bryston for me had always been the "Safe Choice", it's know for its musical sound and it's readily available to test as well as purchase. I installed one in my system and for me it's a keeper... wonderful sound.