TDAC or Havana?

I am looking to go with a tube DAC and am considering the TDAC from TAD and the MHDT Havana. Anyone compared the two?
Those two would be more comparable than the two siblings I have the Paradisea+ and the PreDAC. The PreDAC basically replaced the Paradisea and is a step up. The difference would be less between the step up Havana and the step down TD.
I have owned both, and to me it's not even close. The Havana is in a different league.
The Tdac is not the same as the Tadac, or the Predac for that matter which was only available for a very short time. I own the most recent 2010 Tdac and to my ears it's a great sounding dac and is supposed to be much better than the Tadac. I've never heard the Havana but I have a difficult time believing it's in a different league than the Tdac. If you're in the N.Y. N.J area I would be more than happy to let you demo the Tdac. FWIW I've also heard the Eastern Electric dac is supposed to be a great sounding dac as well