Best Dac with USB input for $1,000 or less

So what is the current consenus out there now-a-days for the best dac with USB input for a grand or less.

I see a lot of favorable press for the MHDT Havana. Is this the one to beat?

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

There's probably better DACs and worse DACs but the Benchmark does a good job... at least in my system. And that's coming from a 40 year analog guy

Agreed. It is great value. Of course it works best with very neutral equipment - so it only fits with a limited number of setups.
I've got a few different systems that it may grace from time to time, all of them are vacuum tube based. The system that it would spend the most time in is in my den. There are times when I like to listen to Pandora Internet radio from my laptop as background music. I was thinking of going USB into the Havana then into my tubed electronics which drive a pair of vintage Tannoy Monitor Golds in custom cabinets.

I thought that using the Havana or something simalar would maybe enhance the sound of the Pandora. I don't know if the laptop has any other outputs other than the USB.

It sounds like the PS Audio may be one worth looking into, providing it doesn't sound analytical, sterile, harsh, etc.

Thank you to all for your comments. I truly do appreciate them.
The Music Hall 25.2 seems to get good press. Even swapping out the stock tube as many suggest gives it much more detail and would still keep it under 1K. Any thoughts?
[Agreed. It is great value. Of course it works best with very neutral equipment - so it only fits with a limited number of setups.]

I agree as well... everything works best on a limited number of setups. It's hard to think of a component that is "Universally Best", especially if you add the parameter that it's "Under $1000.00".

Listen to everyone's advise, take reviews with a grain of salt(the mags get paid from advertising), but when it's time to spend the money, only your ears really matter.
My vote goes for the Tranquility Dac by dB Audio Labs. I just recently did a comparison in my system against the Ayre and PS Audio perfect wave. As good as the Ayres soundstage was the Tranquility's was better and had sustain and decay missing in digital.