Best Dac with USB input for $1,000 or less

So what is the current consenus out there now-a-days for the best dac with USB input for a grand or less.

I see a lot of favorable press for the MHDT Havana. Is this the one to beat?

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Overrated??? I own the $5,000 Weiss Minerva. My friends own the $14,000 MSB and the $6,300 Weiss 202. I have a good amount of experience on all of them. All of these DACs are EXTREMELY detailed. However, what I've learned from listening to live classical and live jazz regularly throughout my life is this: Music is not EXTREMELY detailed. It is just music. Natural and organic. I've owned (and reluctantly sold), the MHDT Paradisea 3+. There is a "rightness" to the MHDT DAC. It didn't exaggerate anything. It just played music. I do not believe that over/up sampling is the answer. I think that is what the industry wants you to believe in order to sell crap that wows you in the begning to grab your attention, but in the end, doesn't connect you emotionally to the music. That is THE NUMBER ONE THING I'VE LEARNED. I don't care how much detail is there. If I don't emotionally connect with the music, then it's all industry propaganda.