The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
Avontgarde duos& Quad esl57's with new treble panels. equal first. This, when you look at the numbers of duo fans here says a lot about the quads. good supertweeter and subwoofer would propel the quads into first. 2 sets of quads then i'm not just first, i'm in mark lensons private attic listening room. Rock on

I bet those Kagekis are amazing. I am as close to perfectly happy with my Lamms as I think is possible when it comes to an audio component. That said, if I buy another amp, it will be from Audio Note. I'm awestruck by what the Kegons can do, and am not sure I even want to hear the Gaku-On until I'm in a position to be able to afford them.
I second Albert's vote for Soundlab U1. (quite a few years ago- this thread is so old)

I heard them a number of times at a friends house, and he really didn't even have a large enough room to them breath.

I had Crosby Quad ESL-63's at the time, with SS amp from Spectral and older Atmashere MA1's, which was obviously fantastic.

If I ever had a house or a huge apartment (I won't have either since I live in Manhattan) and the budget, I would not hesitage in buying the u1- or even a smaller Soundlab. Too bad they are never at any shows, and there are few dealers around.

My second choice is the MBL 101 (or whatever is their top of the line speaker) I've heard it at many shows, it it seems to have gotten even better in the last couple of years.

I am about to embark on getting some Cerious Technologies speakers, after I evaluate thier ceramic cables. Seems they are really cutting edge, and have gotten excellent reviews (mentions actually) here.
Hard to pick a favorite but the one that made me almost drop dead the minute I heard it was the Quad esl 57. I consider myself fortunate to still have a pair.