Attn: Altmann Attraction DAC users

I've been living very happily with the Altmann DAC for two years now. I've experimented with various forms of isolation and weighting, but I kept coming back to bare wood footers on a bare 2" solid maple Mapleshade rack, no weight added.

Today I had an inspiration. I took the 1/8 rubber mat off my turntable and placed it on the Mapleshade and the DAC on top of it. I weighed the DAC down with a couple of lead-shot weights. The improvement is dramatic. Incredibly tight presentation, lifelike timber, spacious, instruments placed clearly in the space in front of me. Oh heavenly choir!

YMMV depending on the resolution of your system.
Solus, I'm digging this positive feedback loop. I can pretty much confirm your findings about the weights. Too much weight creates a certain sharpness, but ultimately deadens the sound some. I'm currently using a brass ring weighing about 4-5 ounces over each footer and this seems to be perfect for my setup. The rubber mat made such a positive impression that I'm reluctant to mess with sand, though. I should mention that the rubber mat is sitting on a very solid Mapleshade rack, which I'm sure is part of the synergy.
you guys pls show me your pictures of what you did, it is hard to imagine following your words pls send to my email