Transport for Cambridge DacMagic

Just picked up a Cambridge DacMagic and am using it with an Onkyo DX-7555. Was wondering if there might be an improvement going to a different transport; would appreciate any of your thoughts.
Please post if you ever use your DACMagic with an Airport Express.

The CA 840c originally would not lock on to the jitter prone output from the AE, though they claim a software 'fix', which should also be on all new production.
A question of budget, of course, but the DACMagic deserves to reach fairly high (imo). If you want to go as far as US1k but not cross that line, a used CEC L2-X (belt driven design) might be tempting. I recall this machine as one of the quietest drives a couple of years ago. Also, you might want to look at cdps with the illustrous Philips CD-Pro2 drive on board.
Could you please describe the improvements in the Onkyo after adding the DacMagic. I have the Onkyo and am very impressed with it. Thanks.
If I am not mistaken, the Onkyo DX-7555 uses the same DAC's(Wolfson WM8740) as the DACMagic with the exception that the Cambridge uses twin WM8740's. It seems on paper that using the DACMagic with the 7555 might have a slight edge. JMO.

J135 - I used the Onkyo by itself for quite awhile and then picked up a Musical Fidelity V-Dac after reading about it in Stereophile. The improvement was pretty apparent; the soundstaging was one thing that really improved; instruments were better separated and easier to pick out. I picked up the Cambridge DacMagic after reading about it in Stereophile and thought it was a tad better than the V-Dac in that it was a little more neutral; the V-dac for the money though is a real nice little unit.