Eastern Electric's new tube DAC using ESS Sabre??

anyone have it or have heard anything about it? any reviews?
im quite curious about it.. price is $750 and they use the ESS 9018 sabre dac
Joaco, the 90/95dB figures that you refer to are the signal to noise ratio, not the dynamic range, so nothing is "lost" between the DAC and the outputs.

I keep the volume control set to maximum and will eventually consider bypassing it as I'm very happy letting a Wyred4Sound STP-SE preamp handle it.
You´re right, Njs, about the 90/95 figures, they´re signal to noise ratio. But the 129dB dynamic range, are you sure it´s the DAC´s and not the Sabre´s chip? The EE DAC has a 129dB dynamic range?
The EE is spec'd at 129dB of Dynamic Range and listening clearly seems to indicate this is correct. Most dynamic DAC ever to grace my rack.
Im sure this is a fine product but the is not one of us who can hear a range of 129db, likely not even half of it.

specs are nice but dont get hung up on the them.
Paulsax... I agree with you on the relative value of specs, but were you to compare a device with say 129dB of dynamic range to one <100 dB, the result would be most startlingly apparent, all other things being equal, of course.