Wyred DAC-2 vs. PS Audio PWave

Does anyone have experience comparing these two DAC's? I'm deciding between them, having heard neither in person. Even though their price points are a bit off both seem highly regarded. My primary sources would be CD and USB (from macMini).
The bridge won't do a thing for the PSD, sound wise, when compairing to the PWT. Its when you connect to other sources that aren't memory buffered, that the bridge makes the PWD shine
My point was that my music files streamed through the Bridge should sound much better than my Sonos as a source. In fact so far all reports are that the Bridge sounds pretty much exactly like a PWT.
The PWD uses apodising or minimum phase filters which, to my ear, make a significant difference in 16/44.1 playback. I don't see these filters discussed much but I think they are a major step forward in digital.
Those filters may be the reason I think the pwd sounds more refined than the W4S dac.
FWIW the PWD uses bipolar out put devices and the W4SII uses FET (so says Cullen)