musical fidelity a5 tipped-up treble

I have a speaker who sound really bright on trebble and mid. I read on 6moon review that the a5 would not be a good match for my speaker. anyone have experience whit this cd player.?
thank you Aball very interesting response. I had the chance to ear a basic cd player marantz and it sounded warm whit a good bass. What do you think about a tube cd player ex:prima luna prologue 8, cary 303/200.
Thenis...I asked what the rest of your system is because I used to own the MF A5 integrated amp and CD player with my Thiel 2.4 speakers. I found the combination to be a little bright myself and I auditioned a lot of different amplification and sources and ended up with an all Audio Research Reference line of products (switched 3 years ago). With the change in the source and amplification, I got a very neutral and cohesive sound without a grating or harsh treble, which was an issue before. But as Aball said there are many different reasons why your treble performance may be "tipped up." It's all about system syenergy. Can you audition other CD players? The fact that the Marantz player you tried still delivered a full range sound with a bit "warmer" presentation suggests it may have been the A5 that was the source of the culprit. You just have to try out different options and see what is optimal. Remember "warm" sounding units are not necessarily what you want to be striving for as that is a coloration as well, and "warm" sounding units are often perceived as so because they are in part rolling off the highs and in some cases obscuring detail that is on the recording. You want the most transparent, cohesive and tonally neutral presentation that you can find within your budget. My 2c worth. Good luck with your search.
The PrimaLuna and Cary would warm things up considerably. Both very good. Marantz idea is very good one in this case as well.