New dCS Puccini 1,21 version

We've just heard the new version of Puccini 1,21 with asym filter (apodizing) in the Athens Highend show and it is simply amazing
I got the CD uploaded a few days ago and it's the best Christmas present ever.
Just to add to loycheekiong's set-up tips :-
1) When playing Redbook CD's, do not upsample to DSD. Go to the setup menu and choose PCM and then use the remote to choose the Asymmetric Filter. This gives a better sound than going through DSD upsampling.
2) When playing SACD's, the result may vary - some discs sound better with DSD Filters than with DSP Asymmetric Filter, and some others vice versa. But most SACD's sound better with DSD upsampling. After this step, either the DSD or DSP Filter choice is yours, keeping in mind that some SACD's are not pure DSD but remastered from PCM.
But most SACD's sound better with DSD upsampling.

There is no 'DSD upsampling' when playing SACD. SACD discs are already is DSD format ;)
There is indeed no DSD upsampling with SACD. That said, with the Puccini, when playing an SACD, you can go to the set-up menu, and still switch between what dCS describes in the manual as DSD upsampling or PCM oversampling modes. And then from the remote, one can choose from the various DSD filters or DSP filters. In DSD mode, dCS calls it DSD upsampling in general, but of course, when playing an SACD, there is no DSD upsampling. I guess dCS uses the term generally but more in reference to redbook CDs, recommending that redbook CDs be upsampled to DSD for best results. But now with the Asymmetric filter in PCM mode, the game has changed by leaps and bounds.
A few more interesting observations as I play through more and more Redbook CD's :-
1. For JVC XRCD recordings - better with PCM -> Asymmetric Filter
2. For regular CD's
- if system is warm/tubey, better with PCM -> Asymmetric Filter
- if system is lean/bright, better with DSD -> Asymmetric Filter
Hope this helps. Enjoy!