What is the best Beatle Song

What beatle song is your favorite? I will start with "Fixing a hole"
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Man, this is a tough one!! I gotta agree with Tsgury, on "Long and Winding Road", a close second is "Let it Be" and even after the breakup, I still think of John as a Beatle, I gotta add "Imagine". god, I really miss that man...
"In My Life"
For those that selected this one, you should hear Johnny Cash's version on his last album "The Man Comes Around". IMO, It's the best song on the album, which includes the grammy nominated "Hurt".
Jbullock: I find it absolutely amazing that songwriters as young as Lennon and McCartney were when they wrote "In My Life" could write lyrics that take on more and deeper meaning to me as I grow older. I would imagine that in Johnny Cash's case it would be especially poignant; I'll have to give it a listen. Thanks for bringing it up.
They are all the best. Each time of day may present a different outlook and hence a more poignant Beatles song..Tom
Everytime I listen to Jealous Guy I get goosebumps. Granted this was after the split, but Lenon really bares his inner feelings here. Listen to the lyrics. It took a lot to write this one. As far my favourite Beatles songs ... difficult to say. It really really depends on the mood I'm in and who I'm listening with. God its been YEARS since I've done a Beatles night.