Tweaks for EMM CDSA SE ... ?

Has anyone found tweaks that really improve their EMM CDSA SE? I am experimenting now -- trying to improve its performance.
Flashunlock, Singapore says they have the green but they are now shipped only in 25mm. When I get back home in a couple of days I will take that flat-head screwdriver and a flashlight and see what the back of the EMM has to tell me. Thanks again.

Furutech also only sells the 25mm 13A fuse in green for the UK's mains plug. They do sell the 20mm and the 32mm.

The one for the UK mains is available generally. I probably will first try that one on the mains on my Hot Box as a test case before I decide whether to run around trying to track down those other elusive green ones for my components.

I did exactly that. I tried the green 25mm in my Furutech Uk mains plug and was blown away by it so when I was in HKG last, I bought them for my components. I changed them one by one with the CDSA-SE being 1st and even from cold, it sounded much better than the blue and I have also compared it to my other HiFi tuning ( gold & silver star) and the isoclean. The urutech fuses takes about 300 hours to break in so it will sound better with time.

Hope this helps.
The distributors in Asia sometimes stock the T2A green, especially in Hong Kong, as far as I can glean by phoning some of them. But you have to go to Hong Kong to buy them. They will not ship overseas. If the Asian distributors don't have them in stock they can order them from Japan. Then you have to discuss having them shipped to you, if they will do so -- or pick them up if you are in the area. So it will take a bit of work to get hold of these little things. I'll let you know what I come up with. I live in Asia and am working on this now.