Tweaks for EMM CDSA SE ... ?

Has anyone found tweaks that really improve their EMM CDSA SE? I am experimenting now -- trying to improve its performance.
Flashunlock, you have a lot more experience in the cable department than I do. I would very much appreciate if you could give me your opinion about 2 ICs. I am using the GG Reflection ICs (XLR) from my Marantz PM-15 to EMM. Do you think the SR Acoustic Reference ICs (XLR) with the stock MPC would be an improvement in my system with the PowerCell connected, of course? Thanks in advance for your comments.
I did lots of A/B testing with my EMM and keep coming back to the Stealth Indras. Even with RCA's, they have that last little bit of sweetness and non-bitterness in the highs and control/resonance in the bass and an overall natural sound overall that shows the what a great cable can do.
I'm basically addicted to these cables. Even single-ended is better than any other XLRs I have tried.

I also use them with similar results on my preamp and amp.
Rgs92, with my SR PowerCell 10SE connected my system is rocking and rolling. The Gabriel Gold cables are working very well for me. I am tweaking a lot now. Before I installed the PowerCell I was trying out the Oyaide INS-CF Isolation Devices. They made no difference no matter where I put them in my system. Now they make a very big difference when placed on top of my EMM. I have experimented a lot with them -- even changing their position by one inch can make a big difference in the sound. They have joined the SR MiGs, Totem beaks and EVS Ground Enhancers as the best sound enhancers I have found for my system.
Hi Sabai, thanks again for all that. You have a lot of things I have never heard of, so it's great that you let us know about them.
Rgs92, this is proving to be a work in progress. No surprise, I guess. I have a new EMM CDSA SE tonight at home. The machine is the same but the sound has been transformed with the single stroke of a brush -- an Oyaide P-004 plug installed in the Tesla Plex wall receptacle. One the other end (the cord is stock) is the Tesla Plex SE. Yes, two Tesla Plexes in series. The Oyaide INS-CF Isolation Devices are now under the 4 Totem beaks that are in diamond configuration atop my amp. I have 4 Harmonix SYN-100 footers on top of the EMM in diamond configuration. They did nothing as footers for any of my machines. They work on top of the EMM. I have a set of SR MiGs under the EMM in pin-point configuration. I cannot over-emphasize the transformation that Oyaide plugs, SR MiGs and EVS Ground Enhancers have made in my system. The other tweaks -- and there are more than I have mentioned here -- have added serious sonic benefits, as well.