warm digital cable

Im searching for a warm digital cable. Any sugestion for 400$ or less?
If you can find one (they are rare) the Tara Decade Digital cable. You should be able to fine one for in the $200 range, but be prepared to be patient. Sure did the trick for me in my system. Good Luck!

AQ VDM 5...not sure if it SOUNDS warm, but it's heavy and shiny and has lots of silver in it, and I like to take it out of the system and feel it sometimes. It's become a close friend. It seems to like me.
mapman, you make an interesting point.

however, what happens earlier in the chain--turntable/arm/cart. or cd source, exerts the greatest affect upon the sound of a stereo system. although, you can always get a conrad johnson mv 125 amp and have as much warmth as you like.
Cardas neutral ref is warm but the Zu Ash mk3 is more detailed. Both are better than stereovox vx2. The black cat may be worth a listen tho as its from the same guy as the illuminati, stereovox and Kimber