Audiolab 8200cd and dac


Could anyone share their perspectives on the latest audiolab 8200cd? The reviews have been glowing, it can operate as cd and dac, and it comes with the ess dac chip.

The price seem very reasonable too at about $1100.

How does it compare with sacs like w4s dac1 or benchmark?


I don't believe that there is a US distributor right now so you won't likely get much feedback on this site.

They have just started shipping in Europe and in Canada as well, there isn't a lot that has been said as yet as it's a brand new piece.

I have been following the developments a bit, the designer John Westlake is very approachable it seems. From what I have read, the 8200CDQ will be sonically better as there are some improvements that were made since the 8200CD went into production. The CDQ version has preamp function with analog inputs and headphone out as well.

If they ship before the end of the year I will be comparing it to my Arcam CD23T and a Lavry DA10. I'll try and post my impressions in the new year.
It is a great CDP. Lots of features (24/96 USB input, remote can control J River / Foobar via HID protocol), excellent sonics.

I bought one just to see what the hype is all about, and it did not disappoint.
Hi-fi choice, the UK publication recently ran a front page on it. They gave it 5 stars.