Vibration control devices for EMM CDSA.

Are there good platforms, feet, or strange objects that go on top of the machine that are helpful?

I would be interested in something that is stable, as some of these things that consist of 3 pointy feet or spheres look kind of wobbly to me.

Totem Beaks have been mentioned, but I wondered what others have used. Oddly I notice when I lean on the player, it sounds a little better, with less ringing in the midrange on some CDs.

And I guess those who have found good devices with other players/transports are also welcome to make suggestions.

Thanks in advance.
Time to try 'moon gel'. Available in most musical instrument stores. They are used by drummers to deaden transmission. At six dollar for four pads, you can't go wrong, especially since they are returnable.
That moon gel pad looks like a softer version of the Sorbothane footers by Herbies. The Older Sorbothane footers can support a piece of equipment. These moon gels can only be applied to the surface. As you say they look like a useful accessory especially for a real world price but I think you will need additional materials.
I have a silk cushion under mine. It works nicely. I will be getting SR MiGs soon that will replace the cushion and I'll let you know how they work out. I am also using 4 Totem beaks on top -- one near each corner -- with very good results.
Each and every vibration control device produce different sound signature. I like the most Yeil magnetic levitation devices amobf inexpensive devices and if you can afford Still Points component's stand its even it should. My front end is APL HiFi NWO-S1 Player