Burson HA160D or Benchmark Dac1

Anybody heard both products in their system? It seems clear that the Burson is the better headphone amp, but what about the dacs?

I love the Benchmark's resolution, but wish it was a touch more "musical. Knowing Burson, my guess is that their dac may have more warmth and heft, but I haven't heard it.

This would be used with a cd transport, so USB is not an issue at this time. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks
I've had my 160D for a few days and it's very good. My sonic memory isn't the greatest, but I'd give the resolution edge to the Benchmark. There may not be a more resolving dac at anywhere near it's price point. The Burson is also very strong! It may not have the last bit of the Benchmark's resolution, but it's more musical and it clearly has a better headphone amp.
This is what I'm looking for. However how do they compare going straight into an amp, as a pre amp/dac, as this is how I would use them (at least initially).

I am just beginning to listen to the HA160D Burson critically.
Unfortunately, only able to comment on the coaxial feed. The USB receiver is not

Using an OPPO 981HD feeding the Burson via coaxial silver digital cable.
Direct to Bryston 4b SST via LC1 interconnects. Canare 411 biwire to Aerial 10Ts

Burson setup:
Raw and PCM output (using PCM)
LPCM set at 192kHz
"downmix" set at "Stereo" (Oppo unit offers several "Down Mix" options, "Left / Right", "Stereo", "virtual surround" etc.)

Burson freaks out when fed Raw bitstream from video DVD.
Sounds like high frequency clipping tone. Glad I had the unit on low volume at the time.

I had to switch to PCM for DVDs. Does ok on redbook CD audio though. Not sure what is going on there. Will be using PCM output from now on.

Soundstage seems a bit small at low volumes. Very good neutral presentation.
One can hear the bodies of instruments. Voices seem natural on good recordings.
Bad recordings are revealed. Good recordings are revealed.

Looking forward to comparing Benchmark vs Burson HA160-D
Either dac would be a great choice. The Benchmark has unbelievable resolution and I've always considered it a great value. But I'm really starting to like the 160D. It may have a touch less resolution, but it sounds more like music to me. There is more weight and more emotional impact. I know this is hard to quantify, but it gets me more in touch with the soul of the music.

I can't speak to how transport dependent the Burson is, and I haven't used the USB at all. But I think the headphone amp in the Burson is clearly superior to the Benchmark.

Again, both are strong, but the 160D should be perfect for my second system, and is the winner to my ears. Your milage may vary.
You should also consider a Matrix mini-i. It sounds great, built well and extremely flexable. And, it cost about 1/4 of the other units.