Why do I always like a source with Burr Brown DAC?

I have always been pretty finicky about picking up the source component. Like most audiophiles I ask for everything from detail, dynamics, transparency, PRAT etc..but most importantly I look for accurate tonality. It is pretty surprising that while many CD players try to sound like analog and many others try to sound nice and romantic....basically there are many CDPs designed and aimed to sound nice to the ears, however most of them try to achieve it by trying to sound rich, sometimes rolled off, sometimes too warm etc. Very few retain the tonality intact and almost every time I notice them instantly and develop a liking for them pretty soon. Interestingly almost every time I have liked a source for its accurate tonality it has turned out that it contains one or the other version of Burr Brown DACs. I dont know what they do but somehow they always sound "right" tonally. I know a DAC contains many other stages which can affect the sound but as a non-techie all I can do is relate to this as a pattern.

I would like to know from you guys, if any of you have any opinion on Burr Brown DACs Vs other DACs ?

There is also this debate on Multibit Vs Delta-Sigma DACs which I would like to understand.
The dac in my Esound cd player is a Crystal CS4390 sounds pretty good to my ears
i did not like the frequency response , with few exceptions, i found the sound somewaht thin.

the digital products i like do not have burr brown dacs.

i have an old audio note cd player which i like, and the minimax which uses a sabre dac.

obviously, there are many burr brown dacs, and i haven't heard them all.
I am hoping that I could upgrade my M/Levinson no:36 which has 4 off 1702 to utilize 4x 1704. Any advice on whether it can be done & the sonic difference I can expect?