best transport?

I'm going to buy a TeddyDac (heard one and loved it's analog sound) but would require a transport. Recommendations most appreciated.
CEC TL series. Belt drive sounds like music. And the transports are beautiful and indestructible.

Yes I was asking "favorite". I've heard the 47 Labs Flatfish and not impressed. Heard an Esoterci X0-3Se and it very nice maybe a bit on the neutral/sterile side (which isn't a bad thing) but looking more on the warm side of neutral. I've tried computers as transports (Apple Pro) but not the same IMHO.
Not sure why, but it almost seems like the further up the food chain you go with Esoteric, the more warmth/musicality becomes evident. Try to listen to an "-01" of some type and I think you'll probably hear this.

Another option might be to try the X0-3se with some "warmer" cables. That might be your most cost-effective solution, so that you get both the detail Esoteric is famous for, as well as the slight bit more "warmth" you are apparently after. A good Esoteric dealer might be able to help you with that.