best transport?

I'm going to buy a TeddyDac (heard one and loved it's analog sound) but would require a transport. Recommendations most appreciated.
Not sure why, but it almost seems like the further up the food chain you go with Esoteric, the more warmth/musicality becomes evident. Try to listen to an "-01" of some type and I think you'll probably hear this.

Another option might be to try the X0-3se with some "warmer" cables. That might be your most cost-effective solution, so that you get both the detail Esoteric is famous for, as well as the slight bit more "warmth" you are apparently after. A good Esoteric dealer might be able to help you with that.
I have the 47 Lab Flatfish. Busyk, what is your DAC? I didn't like the 47 Lab DAC. Used in conjunction with my Audio Note Extreme, the 47 Lab Flatfish with power supply, Dumpty, is a kick ass transport. I don't believe there is any equal. It needs to be coupled to a slab floor, or have all vibrations absorbed below the player. I devised my own.
Tatw, I have a wide range of CDs. All of them sound the best ever. Any defects also showed up quite plain. Oh well, I don't have many of those at all because almost of my CDs are known for their great recording and mixing.