Marantz SA8004 is fundamentally musical

I hate posting about equipment because what sounds good one day - usually changes the next - Of the long list of cd players that i have owned (in this price range - $500 to $2500) - over the last 20 years and even the ones i have had modified - this player sounds more musically involving than most that i have owned.

one of the few players that i have had where all i do is listen to music - rather than how much resolution there is, or soundstaging or how it does voices and cymbals and woodwinds, - how it images, etc - it doesn't matter - this player involves me with the music being played.

the old cliche - "everthing sounds cut from the same cloth"
or "sounds like one piece" - applies hear in spades.

This is using the player over 1 month - not hunreds of hours

Mine is on order; and through the various authorized and non-authorized resellers I have spoken to- they liked the SA8004 for its musicality and warmth.

I can't wait. More to follow.
When audiophiles finally grow up, which is rare, they realize that the true measure of a component is whether they want to listen to a whole CD or record, or get up and screw around with the system. When you want to sit and listen, you know you have something good. Forget about all the nonsense of frequency ressponse, bass, resolution, all the crap. You either want to sit and listen or you don't.
I love my SA-8001 that I just freshly won on eBay. I think this unit is awesome, and I'd like to learn more about it from formers and current owners, but, by eliminating private messaging function, Agon has made a very lame move.
How would the 8004 sing if compared to 8001?
I think the 6004 and 8004 are the best players on the market for the money--a real steal. Japanese build quality. Beautiful ergo styling.

PS: I loved the K-Pearl line from 2009. This is the best use of that engineering.
I have to agree, my Marantz is great. I'm looking forward to listening again, Ive been gone for the winter and my house sitter has been really breaking it in. Should be even sweeter ( he loves it).