horace silver has died

underrated artist and composure as far as i am concerned. just listened to one of my favorite jazz tunes "senor blues" and now will listen to one of my favorite lp's tokyo blues. wondering if anyone else has any favorites
'27th Man' was one of the 1st Jazz records I ever bought. Truthfully, I bought it because the Brecker bros. were on it, didn't know who Silver was! Man, I loved that record! Last one of his I got was the Hard Bop Grandpop, recorded over 2 decades later featuring Claudio Roditi, Michael Brecker, & Steve Turre. Another great score! RIP.
Anyone here read his autobiographay, "Let's Get Down to the Nitty Gritty"? That's when you really get to know him. What a stand up solid human being. He never succumbed to the heroin and drug additions of his peers and even fellow bandmates. We saw him live at the Blue Note in NYC back in the 80s and so glad we did. My favorite albums are "Cape Verdean Blues" and from his Silveto Records metaphysical days, "Spiritualizing the Senses". I was able to have the LP converted to CD and it sounds great. I have a signed album cover too. I heard him interviewed by jazz great DJ Les Davis when Les was at WBGO Newark back in the 1980s. Horace was writing and producing his new metaphysical albums on Silveto Records. I had actually taped the interview and now I can't find it. I'm sick over that. Oh how I wish I had that tape still. I'll keep looking.
RIP Mr. Silver. Thanks for all the great music ! "Song for my Father" is a classic. Just ask the boys from Steely Dan who stole Horace's opening notes.