I am thinking of pulling the trigger on an Esoteric G-0Rb clock for my system (that uses an Esoteric X-01D2 player.
Can anyone describe the benefits of adding a clock to the system? Is it a noticeable improvement? Subtle but better? Easier to listen to?
I do not see a lot os discussion or reviews of clocks, so I have to ask does adding a clock fix a problem that is not that big of a problem?

Huntermusic - have you considered clocks by Antelope? They make pro-grear stuff which is usually as good as if not better than most audiophile stuff at less cost. Their clocks are their sweet-spot.
I'm using a Verona with my Verdi Encore/Delius. I've just acquired a Trak 8821b GPS frequency standard so next step is to set that up to take the GPS clock signal into the Verona. Anyone tried an external GPS reference into the dcs stack?
This has been a great thread for me. I have decided to buy a Esoteric K-01 to replace my X01-D2 and forego the outboard clock for now.
Matjet's pov was the deciding factor, and it was confirmed by the person from whom I have bought a great deal of my equipment, Anthony Perrotta.

I have also decided to push out of my brain the thought that it is time to move past CD to a server. Maybe next year but not now. I never thought CD/SACD would be suddenly "old school" but "Whomp, There It Is."
Back to Mozart. . . . .
Huntermusic, You will love the K-01; it is the best cd player I have ever heard. I am glad my post was helpful.
This to me is funny. Someone asks about a clock and ends up buying an antiquated devise. I mean, everyone most know that the cd player is dying fast. I am amazed. If my info is correct the k-01 lists for $22000.00. I bought a silent music server(built to the best available) a dcs debussy dac for $11500.00. Including all softwear. Added the paganini master clock and I am below $18000.00. Let see $22000 for an old out of date technology or $18000 for the latest state of the art tech using usb. I am sure that K-01 sounds great. I will bet my setup sounds at a minimum, as good, but most likely, better. Completely upgradable, with at your finger tips ease and organization. Rip once and put it away for ever or sell or trade. Back it all up on a memory stick. No sweat. I love vinyl. Will never give it up. But, cd players are gone the same way the digital casette tape players went. Extinct. Proof, they are putting them in cars for free.