Favorite High-Resolution Tube DAC?

Tell me what you think is the most analog-esque non-digital sounding 24/96-192 tube DAC available within $2500-$3500 price range (new or used) to replace my Reimyo DAP-777. Needs AES, BNC, COAX input. USB not required.
I also enjoy the sound through tubes and if you are driving your amps directly from the DAC, then a tube DAC may be essential. However if the DAC is feeding a tube pre-amp you may find a SS DAC to be just what you want. I have a Bryston DAC (AES) into an ARC tube pre-amp and couldn't be more pleased with the sound. You just have to try it.
I am not as experienced with multiple trials of DACs as others here, but I love my Eastern Electric Tube DAC. It has AES, BNC, COAX, Optical, and USB, Sabre 9018 chip, tubed output, volume control. No remote. $750.